6 Ways to have a Morning Routine to set you up for a great day!

Changing your Morning Routine

What is your morning routine?

Do you continually press the snooze button on your alarm to get as long as possible in bed? And then leap out of bed with minimal time to spare!

The first thing many people grab once they’re up is a mobile device to have a scrolling session on social media or check emails. Or there’s the mandatory 3 cups of coffee or a couple of cigarettes before the day can possibly start.

Many people fall out of bed with their mind already made up that the day will not be a good day - usually because they have to go to work.

There are little tweaks you can make to set you up for a good day. It’s possible to have a good day in the chaos of what would have normally been a bad day.

Are you prepared to change it up?

Here are my 6 Tips to Creating a Great Morning Routine

You’ve nothing to lose, so why not give it a go……

#1 Waking Up and Getting Up Earlier

Set your alarm to wake you half hour earlier. And when it goes off, leave that snooze button alone. I know what you’re thinking…..”why would I want to get up earlier when I’m so tired already?!”. You’ll be surprised at how much more energy your can harvest if you got up earlier and had some ‘me time’ instead of falling out of bed and then rushing around before running out the door. To help you with this, you might have to think about going to bed earlier!

#2 Stay Away from Mobile Devices

If your daily habit is to reach for your mobile phone with one eye open to check your social media, emails, etc, challenge yourself not to do this. Waking up calm with no other outside influences or noise is incredible.

#3 Rehydrate

You’ve been asleep a while and you’ve gone some time without hydration. A good habit is to take a full glass of water to bed, and make that the first thing you go for when you’re getting out of bed. Your body has actually been working hard during the night, believe it or not; and your body would thank you now for a flush through.

#4 Do Some Exercise

Again, if you’re already tired in the mornings, a great way to claim your energy back is with exercise, and your body is ready for it in the morning. I don’t mean pounding the pavements or going in hard at the gym. If you have a dog, have a nice long walk and take in some fresh air….this is great exercise first thing in the morning. Or maybe try a morning yoga practice or some weight bearing exercises.

I would absolutely recommend Kelly Coffey-Meyer for the weight bearing exercises. She has a super-duper inexpensive app with something for everyone. She’s approaching 60 years old and is incredibly inspiring!

All of this gives us energy and helps to maintain body strength, tone and bone density as we get older.

#5 Daily Affirmations and Appreciation

I’m a firm believer in having a positive chat with yourself first thing in the morning. It’s a well known fact that the way we think and what we say has an effect on our sense of wellbeing. For example, if you tell yourself it’s going to be a crappy day, replay conversations from the previous day and get wound up, create senarios in your head for the day to come and get wound up, judge the hell out of everyone and yourself, look in the mirror and hate what you see……..you won’t be feeling good that day.

Imagine if you woke up and told yourself it’s going to be a good day, forgave the stuff from the day before and started your day with a grateful mind……..grateful that you have a job, your family, etc; and looked at yourself in the mirror and loved your perfect imperfections. If you stood by and meant every word and every positive thought, you really would be setting yourself up for a good day.

#6 Meditation

This isn’t anything woo-woo, it’s just simple exercises to relax your mind. You can keep this nice and simple: listen to some soothing music and just follow your breathing, until you get to the point where all you’re doing is thinking about your inward and outward breaths. The benefits of that are enormous, not to mention just being still and allowing your body to be oxygenated fully - something that probably won’t happen in the day.

In your meditation you must allow positive, grateful and loving thoughts into your mind. After 5-10 minutes, you’ll feel great!

I hope you’ve found this helpful. For more support, Join the Facebook Community. It’s a safe and private group and I’d love to see you on the inside!

Follow me on Spotify - I’ve created some amazing relaxation and concentration music for you. There’s even guided meditation to help you let go of things and to help you sleep.

Thought for the Day…..


Taking Care of Your Mental Health in Menopause